
Wenhao Ren

Ph.D. Candidate in Software Engineering

Email: [email protected]

Ph.D. Candidate
School of Software,
Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian, China
Email: wenhaoren@mail.dlut.edu.cn


  • 2024.06
    One paper is accepted by Computer Networks!

  • 2021.12
    One paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2022!

  • 2021.11
    One paper is accepted by Computer Networks!

  • 2021.06
    One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing!

Research Interests

  • Mobile edge clouds
  • Big data processing
  • Network function virtualization
  • Reinforcement learning


  • 2015 - 2019
    Bachelor’s degree, Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University (HEU)

  • 2019 -
    Combined Master and Doctor degree, Software Engineering, Dalian University of Technology (DLUT)

Selected Awards

  • 2018
    First Prize in Mathematical Modeling of the Three northeastern provinces League

  • 2018
    Second Prize in Northeastern China Division, TIIC National Undergraduate IoT Design Contest (TI Cup)

  • 2018
    Third Prize in FIRA Small Size League, China Robot Competition

  • 2019
    Outstanding Graduates, Harbin Engineering University

  • 2020
    National Scholarship (For Master students), Ministry of Education


  • ACM Student Member (2020 – )

  • IEEE Student Member (2021 – )